Adik amik kos ape? kalau amik Course Nursing, makcik xbenarkan
berkawan dgn anak makcik..Anak makcik amik Medic..
"Saya dh Dental Final Year dh makcik" jwb kwnku pd makcik 2..
Senyap terus makcik 2 lps dgr Dental Final Year..........
Peristiwa 2 terjd Semasa hari Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru Sesi 2010/2011..
What are the things u want to be proud the most?
and feel like u are the SPECIAL compare to other course (nursing,
sports science etc..)?
During class, lecturer told us : "Medic is not everythings"
There's no SATISFACTION being a doctor..
except when u can save patient..
And it's NOT somethings that U WANTS TO SHOW TO OTHERS..
Doctor just TREAT but NOT CURE the disease..
Patient comes to u with critically ill..
then u treat based on knowledge that ALLAH give to u..
With God's wills, the patient recover..
U can see that patient can walk again,
can smile again,
can return to their family,
That was the SATISFACTION...
Doctor is a noble profession..
So, don't 'decorate' it with EGO and PROUDNESS..
saya sokong.. ingat blaja medic.. dah bagus sangat.. hehe..
btol2...slalu je org ingt amik medic tu hebat sgt..course len pon bleh bjya n mybe bleh jd lg hebat dri amik medic...medic is not everything... ;)
klu semua nk pndg medic je hbs laa..
suka tengok doctor di hospital yang mampu tersenyum melayan patients wlupun kita tau dia dlm under stress..
setuju2* ape2 subjects kita belajar pun harus tanamkan sifat rendah diri sbb kita msih belajar..dan belajar sntiasa continuous..
tu ar .nk bangge pe ?tu pekerjaan je .x bwk ke kubur pon .huhuh .
kalo jd doc skadar nak blagak hidung tinggi..takde guna nye.
ak sndiri hari2 trpaksa bsabar dgn act doc2 kt hosp..terutama yg bkn mlyu..
bkn nk kate mmg kbnykn nye gitu..tak nak mengaku kesilapan lak tu..grrr..grr..
sambail kita dtg kita dah follo,sambil klik-klik iklan nuff tu,dtg blog lagi yup.syg sgt!!!ngaaa~
ape yang best sngat medic? hmm..
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makcik itu sungguh memilih kawan yang setaraf untuk anaknya...
makcik yg sungguh kekwat...
medic ke idak, same aje...
lumrah manusia
iya kan aja
totally agree with u
yupp..actually nursing lagi gempaaq kot..nurse lagi teruk kena blaja...cume beza nyer gaji jerk laa...lau nk dikatakan secara zahir nye laa..nurse yg buat sume2 keje...prepare ubat, jaga pesakit..doc just wak treatment n tau suntik jerk kot...sorry lau ade yg trase..just a few opinion from me...huhu`~
apa2 kerja pon xpe..
jnj hati ikhlas krn ALLAH ^^
tak baik nye makcik tu T.T
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